On 10 January 2021, the Health Secretary announced an expansion of community testing across all local authorities in England to test people without COVID-19 symptoms who are unable to work from home during the national lockdown. This is called “Targeted Community Testing (symptom-free).”
Surrey County Council are appealing to businesses to help them get the message out to their staff to take up symptom-free tests and help stop the spread of the virus. This testing is for people that are not showing any symptoms of COVID-19 but who may be one of the 1 in 3 people who are carrying and spreading the virus without knowing.
Tests can be booked via the online booking system at one of the community testing locations in Woking, Spelthorne and Epsom and Ewell or at a pharmacy in Stoneleigh, Cranleigh or Caterham. More locations across Surrey will be introduced soon.
Employees can continue to work (unless they show new symptoms) whilst they await their test result which will be sent by SMS or email from NHS Test and Trace within 24 hours.
Staff do not have to be key workers – anyone who is permitted to leave home for work during national restrictions and is unable to access targeted community testing (symptom-free) through other routes, is eligible. This could include supermarket workers, delivery drivers, construction workers, bus drivers, postal workers, social workers, funeral directors, refuse collectors etc.