Don`t miss out on the Runnymede Business Awards

The closing date for the Runnymede Business Awards is 24 April. Don`t miss out. It is free easy and quick to nominate your business and it is a fantastic way of promoting your business and celebrating your success.

Mike Walker, Managing Director, MGN Events, winner of Company of the Year said:

“Winning in 2023 provided a fantastic boost to all the team at MGN Events. I would encourage all businesses in Runnymede to get involved with the awards. Take time to celebrate your successes, connect and create a supportive community, and aim for growth.”

The awards are sponsored by:


New directory of business support

A new directory of business support in Surrey has been launched to help you quickly find the right support for your business.

If you are a small business based in Runnymede, go to Runnymede Business Boost to get free support and to find out about grants to help you to grow


Free legal service for Runnymede businesses

Royal Holloway University of London are launching a free legal service for local individuals and businesses. Find out more at this Business Growth Seminar.

Tuesday 23 April

⏰ 5:30pm - 7:30pm


Property and Construction Lunch & EXPO

Are you interested in finding out more about the property and construction industry? Come along to the Property and Construction Networking Lunch and get free entry into the South-East Construction Expo.

Wednesday 1 May

⏰12pm - 2pm


Business Runnymede is here to support you

Join us on social media, where we will be posting regular updates on our Twitter and Instagram accounts. We're also available on LinkedIn at:

Runnymede Borough Council LinkedIn

Come and say hello and follow us! We are happy to share your posts and profiles.

Are you a small business in Runnymede looking to grow?

Runnymede Business Boost provides FREE one-to-one business advice, grants and peer to peer support to support businesses in the Runnymede area.