
Networking can be a fantastic way to get ahead. No matter what industry you're in, knowing the right people can be extremely useful.

Business Runnymede

Business Runnymede is a partnership between the local business community, educational providers, police and borough council, who work together to encourage and support enterprise in the borough. 

What we do

We exist to support local businesses, celebrating their successes as well as tackling the issues they face. Here are some examples of the work we've done to this end:

  • Launching the Runnymede Business Awards to showcase the success of businesses within the borough.
  • Fostering an active networking scene in the borough, with our hosting of regular networking events throughout the year covering a wide range of topics, bringing local companies together on the issues that matter. The vast majority of these forums are free, with sponsorship coming from local businesses who wish to make others aware of their activities. If you wish to sponsor a Business Runnymede forum, please contact us here.

Federation of Small Businesses

As experts in business, the FSB offer members a wide range of vital business services including advice, financial expertise and a powerful voice in government.

Their mission is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambition.

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Connect Surrey

At Connect Surrey, they're pasisonate about networking. It is the easiest, most effective way to find new business! They hold regular fortnightly and monthly meetings.

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Business Biscotti

Building relationships takes time and effort, but the rewards are limitless. At Business Biscotti we are passionate about true networking. Not just making lots of contacts and filling up your business card box, anyone can do that. It's about communication, trust and building relationships that lead to enduring friendships and mutally rewarding business opportunities. Meetings are on the fourth Thursday each month, from 10:00am until 12:00 noon.

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Spelthorne Business Forum

The SBF is an invaluable partnership between the business community and Spelthorne Borough Council as a means of promoting economic growth within Spelthorne and the surrounding areas, in what are fast changing economic times.


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Real Networking

A supportive group of self-employed people. We meet regularly to connect, collaborate, inspire, learn and laugh.

At Real Networking, we believe the best way to grow our business is through real connections, real conversations, face-to-face. Together we can achieve more. We meet regularly for business networking without the overhead of expensive memberships.

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